In accordance with Organic Law 15/99 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), you are hereby informed that any personal data you may provide to us by any means will be part of a file registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, and its purpose is the administrative and/or commercial management of the company.
Regarding your personal data, you are informed that you have the right to access, cancel, object, and rectify them, which you can exercise either by email to the address with the subject line: “Data Protection,” or by postal mail addressed to: “ADRIA GROUP MARBELLA, S.L, Del Mar, 7 2 – 29670 Marbella (Málaga),” indicating in all cases the Reference: “Data Protection,” and including a document that verifies your identity, such as a copy of your ID card.
You will have the right to know what state your data are in; what type of processing they are subject to; where they have been obtained from; to modify them if you consider them to be incorrect, or if initially they no longer reflect the current reality because it has changed, or even to cancel them completely, as long as the latter is permitted by current legislation.
To exercise the aforementioned rights, the request addressed to the File Manager must contain the following information:
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